Do you want an easy to use car wax that with cutting-edge, sophisticated technology that delivers the latest in protection?
Meguiar’s Hybrid Ceramic Wax is is a fantastic product that not only delivers ease, but also high-end protection. It's so easy to use, you wax your car as you rinse it off!
All you need to do is wash your vehicle, rinse off the soap and spray the Meguiar's Hybrid Ceramic Wax on your vehicle then rinse off with water. This final rinse will help spread the wax evenly for you.
There’s no rubbing or buffing and there’s no curing time. You’re left with ceramic protection and durability well beyond conventional wax.
This customer purchased the item at our site.
IF you prep the paint first then this product will last.
Advantages: Ease of use wet or dry.
Disadvantages: Will not last as long as Ceramic Coatings.
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