Visiting family this Winter? What do you carry in you car? Some people carry nothing, perhaps the odd spare bulb & blanket?
Well, we’ve gathered what we think is the most comprehensive/exhaustive list of things you might want to keep in your car all year round. Not only do we think that this will keep you safer on the road, but a lot more comfortable in any situation.
Road Map
Sat navs are great, except for when they aren’t. A map is an important to familiarise yourself with a journey before you set off and is a perfect failsafe if your sat nav packs up.
Carrying a blanket is actually a lot more useful than just keeping you warm if you’re broken down, it can act as a liner to protect your precious car seats, or an impromptu picnic in the park.
Foil Blanket
The same the emergency services use, retains up to 90% body heat and can be used as well as a fleece blanket.
Jerry Can with Fuel
At some point in our driving careers, most of us at some point will run out of fuel, it can be for many reasons, maybe your partner did a long journey that you hadn’t accounted for and you didn’t notice the
gauge, maybe you’re gauge is broken? Maybe you’ve pulled up to the petrol station and it’s closed? None of this is such a devastatingly annoying, dangerous and and embarrassing blow when you have 5 litres
of spare fuel at your disposal, it makes it virtually impossible to ever fully ‘run-out’.
Pretty self explanatory why you might need them, an assorted kit of all ratings costs under £2, why wouldn’t you?
First Aid Kit
An absolute must. Just make sure you check yours every so often, as there is an expected shelf life on what’s in them.
Warning Triangle
A legal requirement if you’re travelling to France and something many premium marques come with as standard. It’s a good idea to prevent any further accidents should you break down and can make sure you’re seen by the emergency services.
Spare Phone
We can’t stress enough how important this one is, and needn’t be expensive at all. A basic phone can cost as little as £5. We recommend the Nokia 106, as the battery lasts about a month on standby as we all know how terrible smartphone batteries can be, especially when you need them most. Only have the contacts on it you might need to contact in case of emergency, including your Breakdown Recovery company’s number, which can always be a struggle to find, if you don’t have the number to hand.
Ice Scraper & De Icer
Another essential comfort item, but always handy to have around.
WD40 & Duct Tape
Indispensable must have and great at deicing locks, spray a bit every so often to make sure you never literally get stuck out in the cold. These 2 things have so many uses, it’s be mad not to have them on
board at all times.
Tyre Pressure Gauge
Not only can this save you money, correct tyre pressures can save your life.
Jumper Cables
Buy a quality set, as long as you can, and have them forever. It can be hugely embarrassing and time consuming to call breakdown services out when you’ve left an interior light on and just need a quick bump
from someone. You’d be surprised how helpful strangers can be if you ask, as we’ve all been there.
High Vis Vest
Another continental essential, and remember to pack for all your passengers, these really can save lives.
Energy/Chocolate Bars
You might be waiting a good few hours for help, so having something high calorie can ward off any hunger pangs, which are easily avoided by bringing a few chocolate bars.
Phone Charger
Useful, but no failsafe as your battery might be flat.
Your car’s manual should already be something you carry in your glovebox, if not, why not? It contains all the information SPECIFIC to your car, so it is an absolute must to carry it. If you have misplaced
it, you should think about ordering another one or getting your hands on (or as well as) a haynes manual.
Driving Gloves
A bit of a relic of a thing to carry, but a welcome addition to any car, and if you’ve broke down, can keep your hands toasty.
Rain happens, and in Britain more than most places an umbrella or two is another essential.
The most essential human resource is also something that your car might need too in a pinch, so make sure you have plenty. 2-4 litres should do it.
Emergency Hammer
With many cars locks and windows operating exclusively on electrics I believe it absolutely mad not to carry one of these. Being trapped in your car as it’s engulfed in flames or in open water is enough to
terrify anyone, but rest assured your chances of survival are considerably higher if you have one of these to hand, one side is for the window, the other can cut a seatbelt straight off.
A torch (or flashlight) is not only handy in the event of a breakdown, but also useful for warning other drivers of danger before they get there.
All-In-One Tool Kit
Another self explanatory bit of kit, but can be seriously cheap and massively useful.
Spare Bulbs
Always good to keep the police happy if you’re stopped for having a light out, when you can replace it there and then.
Pencil & Paper
Useful for exchanging details, insurance or keeping a note for directions if you have to ask.